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smoke off yer life

Its been some time since my last post…..but I was preoccupied with other matters…
Back to ma writin
What is the difference between addiction n habit…if any!! The first thing that I turned to for an answer was a dictionary! In the GREAT DICTIONARY (no adjective, the dictionary I refer is itself called the GREAT DICTIONARY…nt oxford, m a bit unorthodox) i found this:
ADDICTED is defined as being physically dependant on a certain thing, or, being devoted to a particular interest or activity
HABIT was defined as a settled or regular tendency or practice!!
This may sound drab, n my reader may wonder what I am heading to, but I have a point to make, n I hope you bear up wid me
The definitions above are not complete, what about mental dependence?
I come to the crux of the matter now!! SMOKING: is it an addiction or a habit?
its not supposed to make u mentally dependent...but then ppl do behave lyk they r aft some tym...lyk i need a cig to think, to relieve ma tension!!!

Whatever it be its smtin I hav loathed from the time I hav smelled it!
I am a PASSIVE SMOKER…thanks to all the people around me who find it profoundly soothing to smoke off their worries….n also bits of their life!
i dunno why I am writing this…I know for sure its not gonna make a difference to all those people who smoke…indeed there are a lot many lives out there who survive on the very smoke of life that my dear smoker friends make!!! Thanks friends for giving a livelihood to so many families…
… the farmer who grows tobacco in his farm, to the middlemen, the tobacco industry (need I mention all those involved?), the shopkeepers (panwallas n thelas n gados are filled with all gratitude), n then those who come into the picture at a much later stage…the physicaians, the doctors, the pharmacists, the medical industry!!!

Thanks dear friends for also contributing indirectly to the tax revenue of the nation!!
Thanks to you we have roads, bridges, transport, communication…….SCHOOLS-- institutions where education is imparted for a better tomorrow…institutions where u r taught that when u make that puff in the air…its nothing but ur life that u r smoking away…..
Thanks for if it were not for whatever contributions u make on a daily basis…there wouldn’t be no smoking campaigns, n there would be nothing for people to do on world tobacco day!!

But for all those friends of mine who smoke today…I would like to see you one day..handing that cigarette to your bro or sis, mayb some day to your child…n say those familiar words..”C’mon b a sport” or ”its jus a cigarette, its not gonna kill u next moment”
.… but it wont happen, just as u cant give a glass of poison to the one you love, n urge him to drink it as the elixir of life, u cant give a cigarette to the ones you care for!!!!!

dear smoker pals….in that smoke u had today may be u found peace at the moment….but then some day when u look bac at ur life, u wil have wished that you had spent that time creating a memory, that would be more worth..than the smoke u left behind.
The apathy of being the near one to a smoker is precisely this…that between u n ur loved one,,ther is a wall of smoke, a wall impenetrable by words, emotions, or love!!
Unless of course the one on the other side decides to find a window from d seemingly surreal oblivion to reality.


Anonymous said…
oh...what a nice way of expressing yourself!! what i don't get about's something you take in n let out..even alcohol (not that alcohol is good for u) is a form of edible intake...but smoking..u are not gaining anything! What goes away with that puff of smoke is a few minutes of your life and a few rupees from your (or rather your parents') purse!
nishi said…
absolutely agree wid u tejasee!!!

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