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over the chai

the third day straight of not studin much...
yeah much wud b right.. i take occasional peeks at the book. m bac to dreaming abt things with the book infron of ma eyes. nt overprepared i still feel uncertain abt everythin i know.

i don like examsss... i don mind answering, but i jus hate that consciously preparing for them part. why is this educational system(or is it me?) so messed up tat i should need to study for exams.. it should be obvious right.. like the things that i am expected to knw, stuff m supposed to grab over a sem, y do i cram it in like a weeks time(yeah the maximum time i wud possibl spend on studin a sub). cram it in the section of the memory called "volatile", cos exams are over n puff its gone.

twas never like this in school... never ever felt this need to study as such.. i stil remember stuff from school.. stuff frm 10 years of school more than i can remember stuff frm 4 years of engg.(referring strictly to academic stuff here)

watever.... it cant change things fr me... i hope it does fr someone somewhere some time.. i hope engineering makes us more of engineers than rocket scientists..(hasn that sms reached u yet... u wait to launch urself til ur tails on fire??... applied rocket science man... when pressure is max u get the full thrust..)
i stil dunno wat it means to be an engineer??
what does an e n tc engineer do? i was asked this question by 2 ppl.. first time by my 80 or so family doctor n the 2nd time by my 2nd std cuz...
i was immersed in books preparing for my i.t tat really troubled ma cuz cos he wanted me to play wit him. so he stood there bombarding me with questions as i imagined the electron gun bombardin electrons in a tube. wat are u studing? (question 1.. it was a mroe general question aimed at what m doin in my 16th std.)
so wat do u do? (uhh...!!!!)
wat an engineer does... (but wat does he do... a question races in my mind.. n his too i guess)
and that is...
i don reply to tat.. pretending to be really engrossed in ma book
what are u reading?
i guess that excites him..
so u are gonna make a tv?
yes.. (i am supposed to be his god like.. role model sis that he idolises even as she walks. i am supposed to say yes right!!!)
that really excites him.. he jumps around the house declaring i am gonna make a tv.

a week or so later.. he suddenly popped into ma room, tensed eyes, n over concerned like it was a matter of life n death...
tai(as in sis) when are u gonna make a tv?

speechless... can someone tell me when???


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