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An exam took me to Bengaluru (Blore henceforth) over the weekend. i had my first solitary air travel. i love travelling, though i would have preferred travelling by train o bus, but air travel it was. somehow travelling by train o bus, feels more like real travelling. :D i love to see the gradually changing landscapes, as one merges into another, and you move through it. when you see all this from amidst the clouds, it all looks like part of a dollhouse.. n then soon everything is clouded (like literally)

so my Blore trip wasn't much of travel, it was like a quick business trip. a car to pick me up n transport around. though i would have enjoyed the occasional hunting around for a taxi n directions. i reached the guest house at around 4.30. Long roads, nothing picturesque as such, though from the plane i noted a lot of palm plantations, the road showed nothing of it. for some time i tried to see which way the car was heading, note landmarks n stuff, but soon it all felt the same, n i quit trying. my last trip to Blore was like a year o more back, then i was with dad, n we d been to mysore, so i hadn't seen blore as such, not tat i got to see much of it this time.

one of my friends came to meet me at the guest house. we went for an evening walk, exploring the surroundings of where i was to live for the next two days. the closest hang-out sort of place seemed to be a lake. (Ulsoor lake, i had googled it before leaving). There were lots o people out there. it served as a jogging track, picnicking place, fishing spot, couples corner (though there weren't any corners there) i guess you get the general idea! we then walked about in search of a coffee place. a bystander told us that the nearest snacks place would be like 1 n half km, clearly not worth the walk. we walked back to the guest house.

my friend left, one of my dad s colleagues joined me fr dinner. i retired to my room trying to read through the only book i was carrying, but the ambience wasn't in favor of it. the dim lights, the cosy bed, n fluffy blanket put me right to sleep in 15 minutes.

day2: post breakfast, i rush to my exam centre. there was like a flood of people there (like outside any examination centre) n the usual exam tension loosely hung in the air. i usually manage to find some other carefree soul like me to chat up with at such places, this time i had none, so i resorted to listening music on ma pod, n facebooking. well the exam as such there's nothing to right about. it was by isro standards. nothing more said..

after lunch was the most awaited part of ma trip, meeting up wit friends! we caught up at a mall. though i would have preferred some other place, but twas too hot, and anything wit a centralised ac is preferred in such afternoons. i have worn myself of malls in pune, they all are the same. despite of shopping being a part of my "things -to-do-in-blore" list, my shopping expenses hardly went beyond thousand.

afte some coffees, snacks, randomly moving around the whole mall, i came back to the guest house with one of my very few female friends...

the night was the fun part--
bitching with 90210, life lessons whilst spider-man saved MJ, finding your feet as Akshay kumar grooved on screen, night calling, MTV rules, (o was it channel V), banana chips wit Udaya Tv... n the like...

6 is too early to sleep..

next day afternoon i was back home, for a well-awaited spiffer sunday, breaking hearts over milk shakes for a change..


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