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Movie review: Pink

There are some movies that make you shudder at the act (e.g. Happy New Year) and then there are other movies that make you shudder with the act (e.g. Udta Punjab). Pink belongs to the latter.
There are scenes in the movie when the ladies make you tremble, and you can feel yourself walking in their shoes then. It brings to the forefront an important view on molestation,stalking that often goes unreported, for even in the minds of the victims it is not a "big offense" but something they believe they can get over. As long as there's no blood or bruise, it is passable. As women, (feigning strength and independence) we would advise our friends to file an FIR, but when it comes to ourselves, we often just let it go. Everybody wants justice, but no-one wants to take the laborious path to it.
There's this scene, where Andrea flees with her friend when she sees the guys. At one point you think why flee from a public place? But you place yourself there, and you know you will do the same. The first idea is to avoid a public scandal, the second is to flee. Reporting anything officially is often sought as a last resort, when either all else has failed, or when things have gone way too out of the hand. We want amicable solutions to all problems, where everyone believes it is a win-win, be it inside or outside the four walls called home! And the characters stay true to this nature of ours and hence their fears become yours.
I must admit, that with the accolades bestowed by reviewers one does head to the theatre with raised expectations. And that, is the disappointing part about the movie. The actors have done a wonderful job, the direction is tight and the premise is strong, yet the script falters in the second half. Towards the end, it feels more like Amitabh Bachhan delivering a sermon. Some parts in the plot-line are irrelevant, like Amitabh Bachhan's wife, or the fact that he is shown to be suffering some illness. Their purpose and contribution to the plot stays undefined. As a courtroom drama, it leaves you wanting for more. Or maybe a courtroom drama wasn't really the intent.


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